10th International Symposium On Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control (Wetpol 2023). Brügge 11.09.2023


This bachelor thesis examines the influence of precipitation events and urban stormwater runoff on the concentrations of persistent and mobile substances (PM) in Berlin's surface waters. The analysis includes concentrations of 69 substances from four substance groups (VOCs, PAHs, PFAS, pesticides) that were recorded at 24 surface water sampling sites. Using precipitation data from 32 locations in Berlin, the concentrations were categorized according to dry weather, rain, and heavy rain influence. Statistical analyses for comparing these categories were performed using the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests. Additionally, the concentrations in the surface waters were compared to those in Berlin's stormwater runoff using box-whisker plots.

13 of the investigated substances show significantly higher concentrations during rainfall or heavy rain events. This can be attributed to the input of these substances into surface waters through rainwater runoff. Particularly PAHs show notable concentration increases in Berlin's surface waters during precipitation events. PFOA and PFOS, two representatives of the PFAS group, exhibit a more complex behavior pattern depending on precipitation events. During light rainfall, their concentrations in surface waters decrease, while heavy rain events lead to increased concentrations. For pesticides and VOCs, the results are less conclusive, partly due to limited data availability.

This analysis provides valuable insights into the transport of various substance groups within the urban water cycle. The findings expand the scientific basis for developing targeted protection measures for urban waters.


In the frame of the project Ultimate, eight workshops were conducted by the cross-cutting technology group leaders for water recycling, material recovery and energy recovery as well as in cooperation with the “stakeholder engagement” work package. In these workshops, the concepts of the case studies were discussed at an early stage of the project together with experts from other Horizon2020 projects such as NextGen, Smart-Plant, Run4life, Sea4value,, Fiware4water, Water2Return and Aquaspice. In addition, the partners from our sister projects B-WaterSmart, Water Mining, Rewaise and Wider Uptake had been invited to share their opinion with us and to identify possible synergies for cooperation.

Remy, C. (2023): Treibhausgasbilanz der weitergehenden Abwasserreinigung: neue Ziele schlecht fürs Klima?.

DWA Nord-Ost: Landesverbandstagung 2023, 26.-27.07.2023. Berlin, Deutschland


Steigende Sulfatkonzentrationen in der Spree geben Anlass zur Sorge, dass zusätzliche Verfahrensschritte zur Sulfatentfernung bei der Trinkwasseraufbereitung in Berlin notwendig werden könnten. Im Rahmen des BMWK-Projekts SULEMAN wurde eine detaillierte Studie der damit verbundenen Kosten und Umweltauswirkungen für das Wasserwerk Friedrichshagen in Berlin durchgeführt. Dabei wurde das Ionenaustauschverfahren CARIX mit der Niederdruck-Umkehrosmose bei verschiedener Sulfatbelastung im Rohwasser verglichen.

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