Over the past decade, membrane bioreactors have been increasingly implemented to purify municipal wastewater. However, even with submerged modules which offer the lowest costs, the membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology remains in most cases more expensive than conventional activated sludge processes. In addition, the European municipal MBR market is to date a duopoly of two non-European producers, despite many initiatives to develop local MBR filtration systems. In 2005, the European Commission decided to finance four projects dedicated to further technological development of MBR process: the four projects AMEDEUS, EUROMBRA, MBR-TRAIN and PURATREAT were implemented from October 2005 up to December 2009 and joined their efforts within the coalition “MBR-Network” ( The present report synthesises the major outcomes of the project AMEDEUS, conducted from October 2005 up to May 2009. The AMEDEUS research project aimed at tackling both issues of accelerating the development of competitive European MBR filtration technologies, as well as increasing acceptance of the MBR process through decreased capital and operation costs. The project targets the two market segments for MBR technology in Europe: the construction of small plants (semi-central, 50 to 2,000 population equivalent or p.e., standardized and autonomous), and the medium-size plants (central, up to 100.000 p.e.) for plant upgrade.

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