The project REEF 2W, funded by the European Union in the programme INTERREG 2, faces the development and implementation of solutions for increasing energy efficiency and renewable energy production in public infrastructures. Basic idea behind this goal is to combine the relevant public infrastructures of municipal solid waste chain with the waste water treatment plants by upgrading their input mix and their energy outputs:
Enrichment of the upstream supply chain providing compatibility with a wide biomass mix from agriculture, agro-food and public green;
Strengthening the integration and empowerment of internal processes for maximizing energy efficiency and renewable energy outputs (electricity, heat, biogas, bio-methane) to be locally consumed at the WWTP or fed into public/private grids or used in the public mobility and waste collection trucks.
Five different case studies, performed on European wastewater treatment plants, will generate new results regarding the feasibility of such technical combinations.
The Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development coordinates this project with 11 partners from Central Europe: Croatia, Italy, Czechia, Austria and Germany.
KWB is responsible for one of the five case studies. In cooperation with the Berlin water utilities (Berliner Wasserbetriebe) the benefit of new technologies will be investigated:
more efficient reuse of waste heat of already running block heating stations for sludge treatment process to enhance the biogas production yields;
examination the technical and economic boundary conditions of biogas feeding to central gas distribution systems
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- Reasons/conditions leading to the choice of the 5 pilots
- Energetic and economic evaluation of different scenarios for a biogas upgrading and power-to-gas technology at a wastewater treatment plant in Berlin
- 5 Training Courses in the 5 regions for utility partners and stakeholders on pilotactivities
- Projekt REEF 2W – energetische Potenziale ausschöpfen
- Chapter 2.4: Environmental context, Chapter 3.4: Case study Germany