The AquaNES project will demonstrate the benefits of combined natural and engineered processes for water treatment systems at 13 test sites (two of them situated in Berlin). Bank filtration, managed aquifer recharge (MAR) and constructed wetlands are natural systems which will be combined with various technical pre- or post-treatment methods.
The project consortium involves 30 partners from Europe, Israel and India. In Berlin, Berliner Wasserbetriebe, AKUT Umweltschutz Ingenieure Burkard und Partner as well as KWB participate in the project.
The tasks to be performed in Berlin include the combination of ozonation processes with natural post-treatment steps for the elimination of trace organic compounds as well as the combination of bank filtration and nanofiltration for the removal of sulphate and trace organic compounds.
Besides these activities, KWB coordinates a work package related to the combination of constructed wetlands or soil filters with different engineered schemes. The test sites are located in Germany, the UK and Greece.
Selected publications of the AquaNES project are available here.
© header photo: Veolia

- Untersuchungen der Leistungsfähigkeit von bepflanzten Vertikalbodenfiltern zur Elimination von Spurenstoffen nach der Ozonung im Vergleich zu Sandfiltern
- Betriebsverhalten einer kapillaren Nanofiltration zur Sulfatentfernung in der Trinkwasseraufbereitung
- Capillary nanofiltration under anoxic conditions as post-treatment after bank filtration – improvement of chemical cleaning and removal of sulphate and organic micropollutants
- Capillary Nanofiltration under Anoxic Conditions as Post-Treatment after Bank Filtration
- Optimierung der chemischen Reinigung einer kapillaren Nanofiltration im Pilotmaßstab zur Aufbereitung von anoxischem Grundwasser