@Techreport{RN39, Author = {Luck, F.}, Institution = {Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH}, Month = {07}, Title = {Progress Report No. 01 - Sanitation Concepts for Separate Treatment of Urine, Faeces and Greywater (SCST)}, Year = {2004}, Abstract = {The main goal of this project is to develop new sustainable sanitation concepts which have significant advantages in relation to ecological as well as to economical aspects compared to the conventional systems (end-of-pipe-system). After successful project completion, the new sanitation concept should be used in Berlin areas, where sewer systems are not installed, as well as other locations (national and international). The management of the project has been achieved as foreseen. No relevant modifications have been necessary. In relation to the technical development all eight tasks have been started. Some later than scheduled but this does not endanger the goal and end date of the project. The first results from the greywater treatment with the constructed wetland show that the effluent quality is comparable to the wastewater treatment plants of Berlin In contrary to the proposal the new sanitation concept using vacuum separation toilets will be realised in the office building instead of apartment building. Furthermore not fifteen but ten flats are taken into account for the project and all bathrooms will be completely retrofitted instead of installation of new toilet systems only. Due to the fact that external assistance for designing is necessary the costs for external assistance is higher than planned. The precise figure will be available earliest at the end of 2004. All modifications do not endanger the goal of the project. For the information and discussion with the national and international public and colleagues about this project many presentations, publications and visits of the demonstration project have been undertaken and organised, respectively. The envisioned progress up to the interim report in March 2005 will be the realisation and start up of operation of the sanitation concept in the apartment building, exchange of the gravity separation toilets against vacuum separation toilets in the office building, designing, installation and operation of the digester. Furthermore all work from subcontractors (Life-Cycle-Assessment, Urine treatment, Fertiliser usage) will continue. Different international presentations are also foreseen. In relation to the financial issues 325.906 € (21 %) of the total eligible costs of 1.552.116 € and 511.515 € (23 %) of the total real costs of 2.223.474 €, respectively, have been spent until now. The 30 % threshold of the total real costs will be achieved presumably at the end of 2004.}, Project = {scst}, En_type = {Report}, Access = {public}, Url = {https://publications.kompetenz-wasser.de/pdf/Luck-2004-39.pdf}, en_id = {39} }