@Conference{RN210, Author = {Rouault, P. and Fischer, A. and Schroeder, K. and Pawlowsky-Reusing, E. and Van Assel, J.}, Booktitle = {11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2008}, Pages = {10}, Title = {Simplification of dynamic flow routing models using hybrid modelling approaches - two case studies}, Year = {2008}, Abstract = {The application of hydrodynamic sewer modelling allows for detailed description of complex hydraulic situations. However, for large systems long-term calculations with hydrodynamic models still require high computation times. This paper shows a possibility to overcome this problem by using a hybrid sewer model, which is a conjunction of conceptual and mechanistic modelling approaches to combine the calculating speed of conceptual models and the accuracy of mechanistic models in one model. The implementation of a hybrid sewer model was performed and tested in two case studies, in Berlin (Germany) for 6 representative catchments and in Herent (Flanders, Belgium) for one sewer system, using the hydrodynamic modelling software InfoWorks CS. Besides the motivation of the case studies on the sewer systems in Berlin and Herent this paper presents the methodologies developed for a hybrid simplification of the sewer network model, considering the calibration of the simplified network as well as the evaluation of the simplification performance. The use of a hybrid model for both case studies is then evaluated and the transferability of the methodologies is discussed.}, Project = {sam-cso}, En_type = {Conference Paper}, Access = {public}, en_id = {210} }