Webinar - Creating synergies between municipal solid waste and wastewater management

The potential of municipal wastewater and waste management systems in terms of increasing energy efficiency and renewable energy production has not yet been fully tapped. The REEF 2W project, funded by the EU INTERREG Central Europe (CE) programme, is therefore designed to develop and implement inter-sectoral solutions for increasing energy efficiency and renewable energy production in public infrastructures which are being investigated at five pilot sites iin Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, Croatia and Italy.

The following key results will be presented on 26 June 2020 during a public webinar:

  • Methodology for evaluating technical, ecological, economic and social parameters in order to assess the sustainability of new concepts

  • REEF 2 decision support tool: Decision support for municipalities and utilities relating to energy recovery and energy use from wastewater and organic waste

  • Regional strategies: Involvement of local authorities in the implementation and increase in the share of renewable energies and energy efficiency at sewage treatment plants

  • Discussion paper: Identification of political obstacles and recommendations for action to support the solution concepts selected in REEF 2W

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